
Sunday, 11 August 2013

Week 4 - The Rabbit Sends in a Little Bill


One of the first things I managed to sort out before lunchtime was the Hollaback! ULU Women's Self defence courses. *Happy dance* They should be starting in the new term.
After plenty of fifaff I finally managed to finally sort out my travel arrangements for NUS Lead and Change Training in Lancaster and UK Feminista Summer school next week. I do have various preconceptions about both events so I'm interested on how both will play out. Anyway, at the end of the day I managed to to my first ever Black Feminists UK meeting. It was great to be able to put some faces to an organisation and discuss how Black Feminists UK can start to build better links with feminists in the student movement.


Tuesday was trying to sort out ULU Liberation Work which included sorting out the new logo with the marketing department, booking rooms for our autumn conference, and sorting acts for our Fresher's carnival. So far I've sorted some pretty amazing acts, cannot wait to reveal them :)
 Following on from that I looked at out a system to help ULU Liberation officers communicate with UoL liberation officers and members of our liberation groups more efficiently. I've taken it upon myself to build the network a new website. Hopefully it will all go to plan.
I've also started looking at liberation officers manifestos, starting with the Women's Officers. Over the next couple of weeks I hope to meet up with as many as possible to talk about their manifestos, their plans and the ULU Women's campaign.


With the help of social media I started compiling a list of feminist academics for my ULU Women Studies series. Im not going to lie, I had a good couple of hours of feminist geeky moments reading through the research briefs of feminist PHD students and lecturers in London.  I was glad to be able to meet up with Birkbeck SU Women's Officer. I was really glad to see a part-time officer already on the ball and trying to shake things up. If you want to know more about the Birkbeck Women's campaign. visit their brand new facebook  page and you can also follow them on Twitter. If you are a women's Officer in or near London and you'd like to meet up to discuss plans for next year, feel free to contact me at


A change of scene on Thursday as me and ULU President Michael went to meet some people from London Higher. Dedicated allot of the day to sorting out the promotion work for Studentfems London. Thanks to Ballu from UAL we now have a cool logo. We also now have a facebook page and the email is alive again. I've been tying to do my bit in organising the Studentfems London Freshers fayre. Im really looking forward to it. Speakers & Workshop facilitators on the day include: Laura Bates, founder of Everyday Sexism Kelly Temple - National NUS Women's Officer & Wanda Canton - founder of QMEquality Lili Eva Evans- founder of Twitter Youth Feminist Army The event page for our freshers event is all set up.


On friday I came to work find in my inbox a exciting email which was asking me to speak at an event at the British Library. It really is an honour to have been considered and I think that it's the most exciting email to come through my inbox yet.
Last week I mentioned making part of ULU Cafe downs stairs exhibition space... well things have changed for the better! Turns out there's a whole room down stairs I can use! Unfortunately I cant get planning until I come back from my week of training but once I'm back at ULU the work will begin. I've already got a team of energetic feminist artists waiting to help put this together :)

Anyway, till next week ;)

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