
Saturday, 21 September 2013

Week 10 - Lobster Quadrille

Exciting stuff on Monday as I launched the promo for the Women Students Reclaim the Night London event! It's going to be held on the 26th of October just before the reclaim the night march! Whoop student women bloc! Last year there was a bit of a disorganised student bloc, but this year I think it should be huge, intersectional and beaming with sisterhood.  You can check out the facebook event here. 
Abortion rights UK logo

In the morning I popped over to the abortion rights head quarters to collect a small suitcase load of stuff for freshers. I had never been to the office before so it was quite exciting and I'm looking forward to working with them a lot this year! :). The day from then on went on a bit of a down turn.  As I was on the other side London and the heavens decided to open which wasn't great for my cold, I was unable to make the NUS National Executive Committee meeting where other London Sabbs had gone as observers to attempt to amend a paper which had been put forward by the NUS VP of Union Development on the structure of a new NUS London. Whilst the paper had changed a lot since the first time the idea had been proposed, it had not accredited or mentioned all the work the London Officer had been doing to develop a pan-London union and it had also been formed with only a ridiculous number of student unions in London consulted. The outcome of a vote to hear our amendments was negative and the paper passed without us even being heard. Thanks to all the NEC members who spoke and voted for the amendment to be heard. Really disappointed in the others and feel like many people have behaved really disrespectfully throughout this whole situation. But hey a NUS London area is being formed, if you're a union in London that didn't know before. Hey! Now you know! #consultation -__-

I heart consent stickers
Got a lot of post on this day, I love getting post. We had our new deliveries of our customised polo T-Shirts for freshers fayres. Yes, I'm aware mine doesn't have a apostrophe in it. I don't know why, or what is it with this place and apostrophes! I also got a delivery of a huge amount of I love consent stickers which are now in the many ULU Women's Campaigns goodie bags and are going to be used as part of the consent campaign which I will be developing this year. So keep a check on this space! Also if you are a London student women's or feminist group who haven't contacted me about getting a goodie bag and and you would like one, please email me with your group and freshers week details at

In the morning I travelled to Queen Mary University of London to personally hand the feminist society QMEquality a goodie bag for their stall. Great to see that they were fully prepared for the the freshers and had loads of signups already. After that I rushed back for my first ever ULU senate as a voting member. It was quite smooth and saw lots of familiar faces from ULU training. We passed a Save ULU motion, cuz you know, we'd like a democratically run, student controlled building, with activism, sports and societies rather than a "student centre". We also passed a motion to act on the rising prices and and the loss of jobs connected to the changes to the UCL Garden halls. Last, but definitely lot least, we've passed a safer spaces policy! Written by our LGBT+ Officer Andrew, proposed by myself and seconded by ULU President Michael Chessum. I also gave my report which you can have a read of here. After senate most of the sabbs went for a drink but I couldn't stay because I had to head of to meet the women behind "In Conversation with the Women's Liberation Movement" event.

Liberation Carnival Logo
Friday was spent really pushing the Liberation Carnival event online! We got 60 people saying that they are attending so far. If I could get that to about 250 I'll be a happy bunny! Also, the Black Students Campaign has now launched on facebook! Get liking! Finally, I'm on annual leave on Monday and Tuesday, you know spending some time being human especially since my weekend is going to be occupied by a family funeral.  I'll be back in gear from Wednesday though and attending Heythrop's and Royal Holloway's Freshers fayre! Well until next week folks!

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