
Sunday, 27 October 2013

Week 15 - Looking-Glass Insects

Photo of Outside Play house space. It has a colourful new sign.
Monday morning had a great start because the Playhouse sign was finally up. I met up with women from the Sex Worker Open University to talk about future projects and campaigns at ULU.  Later on I met up with the SOAS Women's Officers and one of the presidents of the SOAS Women's Society to talk about how to go about creating a women-only space, especially now SOAS has seen multiple feminist societies pop up lately. We also got to talk about what campaigns SOAS Women will be focusing on. #SOASSexism sound brilliant so far and hopefully SOAS will be working with Hollaback soon :)

Photo of ULU Women's Campaign Banner I haven't ran a banner making session for like a year so I spent most of Tuesday running around ULU and Paperchase tiring to get things prepared for the unofficial opening playhouse of play house. We needed sheets paints pens, scissors and glue for the self-identified women-only reclaim the banner making session. Thanks to everyone who came, it was great to meet you all and there was some amazing banners and conversations that happened. You can check out more great photos from the banner making session here:

Pink and Black Hollaback Logo
Kicked off the day with an admin meeting, this officially became admin day as I had talk about all the different events I had coming up to ULU Staff so everything would be perfect. Its fair to say I use the ULU building in ways that aren't traditional. I had much to plan for the Hollaback riot night, the Hollaback exhibit night and Wear it Pink on Friday. You would have thought multiple events manager was in my role description. I owe allot of the Hollaback events arranging to Ren who has done an amazing job of arranging the acts for the riot grrl night. You can find out more on the facebook event
You can also buy an early ticket here

We Can Do It poster with Kelly Rowland dressed as Rosie the Riviter On Thursday we had ULU Senate where we talked about things like the Save Your Union campaign, remembrance day and supporting lecturers strike action. Its always nice to catch up with the local sabbs. I want to look into getting access breaks and putting up policy on the ULU Website after meetings.
Straight after Senate I travelled back with the president of SURHUL to Surrey for the Royal Holloway Feminism Society and Afro-Caribbean Society Black History Month Event. It was great to meet all the new members and see that the committee had pulled off such a great event :) Super proud of the fact that Fem Soc and ACS have a great relationship and I'm looking forward to future events. Intersectionality in action!

Photo of Nick and Lydia at Wear it Pink tableSo it was the night I had been waiting for so long, the first night that I had been allowed to pick a theme for ULU - Wear it Pink. Through selling glow in the dark wristbands and headbands and stickers we managed to raise a grand total of £143 for Breast Cancer Research. A big thanks to Lydia and Nick for helping out on the night. I hope you both enjoy your new Wear it Pink T-Shirts as much as I do! Also shout out the staff who got well involved and the I <3 Consent stickers went down really well! I'm thinking of having them available at every club night. I also got into loads of conversations about the importance of consent, so double win! I had a really hard day at work which started with rushing around the West end with up to my eyes in pink goods so ending the day with such a buzz was great :) Thanks to UCLU Womens' Officer Beth Sutton for helping out with materials too! Seriously could not have done this without you :)


Photo of ULU Womens Campaign with banner After a long night at ULU I had to get up really early for Sexpression University. Thanks to everyone who came and KCL Sexpression for their awesome presentation. A special thanks to Abortion Rights, Brook and Daughters for Eve for coming in and speaking to us, everyone found the conversations that we had very helpful which was the most important thing :)
Almost straight after it was time set up for Reclaim the Night. I had the best night at ★ Women Students Reclaim the Night [LONDON] ★ After an awesome and intersectional panel discussion, we rushed to IOE and saw that the march had already started and as it was coming up towards us we rushed to the front and Reclaimed the night chanting R.E.S.P.E.C.T INTERSECTIONALITY! all the way. Super proud of the ULU Women's Campaign!

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