
Monday, 9 December 2013

Week 21 - Queen Alice

I hosted the ULU Women's Forum on Monday, in the Upper Hall at ULU. Student Women from UCL, SOAS, Royal Holloway, Birkbeck and Kings College London came along to chat to me and each other. Over some pizza and juice we discussed campus based issues and collective action. In the end it boiled down to discussing student politics and media. ULU Women's Forum was great, can't wait for the next one, thanks to everyone who came :)

I travelled to all the way to little Egham, home of Royal Holloway, University of London so I could attend the first ever Royal Holloway Women's Forum, facilitated by the SURHUL Women's and marginalised gender's Officer, Alexandra.
There was a great discussion around various issues that the women thought should be tackled on campus including: Sexual Harassment, reporting harassment in general, the need of more Consent stickers and a propose return of Women in Sport week. I look forward to helping Alexandra achieve some of these things and I also look forward to attending future forum.

Well Wednesday, as you all will know (if you have access to the internet) was Occupy Senate House day. No Women's Campaign work got done on this day because I was preoccupied with trying to prevent students and my elf from getting arrested for protesting - on our own campus. I had a great night outside Holborn police station with the brave cold souls of the London Student Movement. The next day I had to see a doctor because I wasn't feeling to cherpy and he told me to take the rest of the week off so I did. Self Care = Political Act.

This was probably the shortest week I've had at ULU. Here is some cool music to fill in the gap.

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